The Evolution of Fortnite : Season 2

In the second season of Fortnite:Battle Royale the "Battle-pass" was introduced. The Battle Pass was a feature that players could pay for and it would give them access to multiple skins, gliders and icons. The Battle Pass also only cost 10 euro so it wasn't difficult for people to obtain. It rewarded players for completing Daily and Weekly by letting them progress in the "Battle Pass" to obtain more rewards. It offered skins like the Black Knight, Royale Knight, The Worm and The Ride the Pony Emotes. The original "Meta" in the video-game was the "Double Pump" which was when players would have two Pump Shotguns in their inventory and would shoot one and switch to the other and repeat this quickly until they eliminated their opponents. This was when the game was in it's prime in my opinion, from season 2 to season 3.
